Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The One Dress I Probably WONT Want to Take Off on the Wedding Night:

Simply stated. I fell in LOOOOVE all over again, if I could I get married to this dress and not just Kimball on May 21st. Ha. Joke. Bad one too. But here it is, we found it at The Perfect Dress and it was on sale for $750.00 yet I can't find a thing wrong with it. Awesome. :)
Here it is on the ultimate bride:

And here are a couple pics of me trying it on... that's weird, these pics look slightly different than the ones from above :) ha. Good work model chick. But anways, I love it:

Bridesmaids Necklaces

Okay, I don't know why but I am obsessed with trying to make the perfect bridesmaids necklaces... at first I wanted birdcage necklaces to go along with the birdcage decorations, something that looked like these pictures on my rights, super cute right?

But seeing as how I have 13 bridesmaids, possibly 15 if I include sisters that I see every 5 years, than I would be paying about $250.00 in birdcage necklaces. SO I am opting to make my necklaces and upon looking for cute little birdcage pendants I came across these little flowers:

In hopes that I can make them look like these someday:

They are going to be adorable I promise I just have a lot of collecting and work to do. This wedding business is seriously so much fun! I love all the little details, I knew that my inspiration from watching Jennifer Lopez in wedding planner was more than just a desire to have a huge butt and fall in love with someone else's groom. I'm dang good at this, or at least my ideas are good, and when I make them into actual stuff, then I can say I'm good. :) And the best part about it is, the flowers will cost me about 40 bucks for 16-20 and that'll be a perfect start to some fantastic bridesmaids necklaces. I am looking to spend around $100 flat. The challenge is on.