If you’ve been around me as of late, then you can testify that hanging out with a pregnant lady in her first trimester is nothing short of an absolute roller coaster. Kimball can attest to this the most though because really, we try to avoid other people when I’m feeling like I am going to puke all over those brand new shoes you’re showing me. I think we’ve done a pretty good job of concealing it with a lot of lies and Kimball actually holding me back from snapping at certain people during Sunday School, (trust me, pregnant or not, you would have wanted to deck this guy in the face for chewing his gum that loud, too). It amazes me how much I’ve already changed and still I can’t grasp the fact that we are really going to have a baby. A BABY. A little human. A perfect little combination of Kimball and I. With skin and bones and a heartbeat and I’m sure a handful of attitude; regardless of gender. I had my first mommy cry last night as we were watching American Idol. Really? That’s what it takes for reality to set in? It wasn’t after we saw the ultrasound, wasn’t after we heard the heartbeat. But American Idol? How ridiculous, yet fitting. Anyways, it was just a mom kneeling down by the tub, with her two little boys splashing together in the bathtub and I realized, that is my future, my very very near future. We’re a couple days away from the second trimester and it’s starting to feel safe to accept and believe and hope that this is really happening for us. I’m just barely opening that gate of excitement so I’m sure it will kick in full blast sometime soon.
This past month has been challenging. I’ve been a pretty sick girl. I’m lucky that I have such a patient and loving husband who lets me crawl straight into bed from work and not lift a finger once I get home. Seriously, he treats me like a pregnant princess. It has been nuts to watch my body transform. Super weird. First thing we (Kimball and I) noticed was the swelling of my mosquito bite boobs. I know most of you haven't seen me in awhile, what with us living in California and such but it really happened, this is actual factual news. I. Grew Boobs. Thank you baby! But.... about a week later I started to grow a stomach as well, so the flattering new look has become an over-all bleh and we all know it's just going to get worse. I don't want to sound like I'm complaining because in 7 months, I will have me a precious baby and so all of this is totally worth it and fantastic and quite beautiful but I did want to document my symptoms and changes for future reference.
We didn't find out we were pregnant til we were about 7 weeks along. An irregular cycle, Christmas vacation and a little bit of denial had a lot to do with that. But I swear the day after we found out I was sick as a dog. Kimball actually said to me, "I'm pretty sure this might be all in your head" and I believed him because none of it felt real. At first I was starving all of the time. I ate everything I could see for about two weeks. I was always eating and it made me feel great! So I pretty much just ate all day long. And I actually think I lost a little weight; crazy I know. Then the nausea hit. That lasted about a month. I was constantly googling "can pregnant women eat _____" and on occasion, pictures would pop up that just the sight of would make me throw up. My first case of morning sickness at work was interrupted by the janitor knocking on the door and standing outside of it for the whole 15 minutes it took for me to feel comfortable walking away from the toilet. I actually said, "ha, sorry that took so long!" and kept on walking. Ew. Awkward. But not as bad as my 4th or 5th time when I decided to have a raspberry crystal light to wash everything down with right before it all decided to come back up and of course it stained everything inside of me red. What a fun sight it was for the lady that walked in on me, bent over the toilet appearing to vomit my actual intestines, all stained a very horrifying shade of dark red. Too much? I'm sorry. It's the truth and this blog isn't even public yet so I don't care. I think the worst/most unfortunate/funniest aversion I've had yet though has got to be that I can't see my husband naked without gagging and running for the toilet. I think my subconscious knows exactly who got us into this sick-mode and has decided to stay as far away from him as possible. Ha. Poor guy.
Luckily things are starting to get better with the beginning of the second trimester. For starters, I'm beginning to believe that there is a baby in there. I'm absolutely ecstatic about getting to go home and tell our families and soon after, our friends. Two weeks! Second, Subway and Saltines have been the only thing I could consistently eat that didn't make me sick this last month but now I am starting to eat and I don't even gag every morning when I get out of bed. But seriously I just need to know, why doesn't anyone ever warn you about the awful case of the pregnancy gas/burps? This needs to be discussed more openly. Not by me of course, but it should be right up there with morning sickness on the list of well-known and common pregnancy symptoms. Geeze!
Hahahahahahaha I freaking love that part about nakedness making you puke. Classic.